
I've a question about property files in web applications. In my app for
Tomcat 5.0.28 I want to use some property files for configuration (e.g.
log4j.xml is one of them, but I've app specific property files too). Since
these files have to be placed in the class path, so that my app can find
them, I've placed them under WEB-INF/classes. This works fine, but I would
prefer a special directory named "config" at the top of the web application
(next to WEB-INF). Is it possible to tell Tomcat that this directory is in
the classpath? Of course I could manipulate the global classpath but I hope
there's a way to place this in the web app configuration? Adding "config" to
Class-Path in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF had no effect.

Markus Weseloh

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