I can't speak from experience under Windows, but on Unix system we
typically have the following layout
for a separate CATALINA_HOME:

|-- conf/
|   |-- Catalina
|   |   `-- localhost
|   |       |-- context.xml.default
|   |       |-- manager.xml
|   |       `-- admin.xml
|   |-- server.xml
|   `-- web.xml
|-- etc/
|   `-- environment.sh
|-- logs/
|   |-- PID
|   |-- catalina.log
|   `-- stdout.log
|-- shared/
|   |-- classes/
|   `-- lib/
|-- start
|-- stop
|-- temp/
|-- webapps/
|   |-- appname/
|       |-- META-INF
|       |   `-- MANIFEST.MF
|       |-- WEB-INF
|       |   |-- classes
|       |   |-- lib
|       |   `-- logs
|       |-- html
|       |-- index.jsp
|       `-- jsp/
|           `-- *.jsp
`-- work
    `-- Catalina/

Hope that helps! All of these things may not apply to your setup and
we've added many things.  war files won't require you to have the
appname/ dir since they will autodeploy.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kenneth B. Harwood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 4:31 PM
To: tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.org

i'm running the latest tomcat (5.5.9) on Win2K Pro.
Tomcat works in the default configuration.  thanks.
i'm trying to get Tomcat working using CATALINA_BASE.
that is, i want a second Tomcat instance to serve my webapps from a
directory different than the default.  

the "default" directory is (F:\tomcat 5.5\webapps\myapp).
the "secondary" is (G:\tomcatuser\webapps\myapp).
CATALINA_HOME=F:\tomcat 5.5

the [G:] directory structure and user files looks to be perfectly in
order. for example, 

  [conf]            [webapps]      [log]
{server.xml}       [myapp]
{context.xml}       *.jsp

Tomcat seems to ignore my "second" configuation.  
that is, when i start tomcat it keeps trying to fetch my web pages from
the [F:] disk's directory.

fyi, i have apache2 httpd in front of Tomcat, using the
AJP/1.3 protocol.  no problems with the connection!
if i can get the apache web server talking to Tomcat, then this
CATALINE_BASE thing should not be too difficult to set-up.  what the
heck am i doing wrong?

other information:
1) i do NOT really need multiple instances running.  
i just want to keep my Tomcat executables on drive [F:] and my
development stuff on drive [G:].  so, i haven't tested the system with
>1 instance running.

2 i already know about 'appBase'.  what i want is for my Tomcat
development instance to start-up 


 - ken harwood

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