I have been running a servlet with Tomcat 5.5.7 for a few months, I
left it alone for a while, and now I get an UnsatisfiedLinkError when
the servlet tries to load a native DLL.  The error says the DLL cannot
be found in java.library.path.  The DLL I want to load is located in
$CATALINA_HOME\common\lib.  When I just run Tomcat from the command
line, everything works great, no complaints.  When run as a service, I
get this problem.  I tried setting java.library.path via the
JvmOptions in service.bat, but in that case I get an
UnsatisfiedLinkError which refers to dependent libraries for the DLL. 
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Michael Ivanov

Tomcat 5.5.7
Windows XP

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