Have you created a proper directory structure under /site? (i.e. /site/WEB-INF, 
etc) and written your /site/WEB-INF/web.xml file for the app?  Change the 
JkMount directives in httpd.conf and omit the .jsp (i.e. JkMount /site/*).  
Save html and jsp file in /site.  Save servlets in 
/site/WEB-INF/classes/com/site/.  If you've done all that, it should be as 
simple as restarting Tomcat and then restarting Apache.

-------------- Original message -------------- 

> Hello all, 
> Im a bit new to Tomcat and interoperation with Apache thru mod_jk... 
> I seem to have most of it setup. Im running Apache 1.3.33 and Tomcat 
> 5.5.9 on Solaris 10 x86 
> I'm trying to get .jsp scripts to run within directories of my choice, 
> rather than the default examples dir. 
> In httpd.conf Ive added: 
> ------------------------------------------------------------- 
> LoadModule jk_module libexec/mod_jk.so 
> Alias /jsp-examples "/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/jsp-examples" 
> Alias /site "/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/site" 
> JkWorkersFile "/usr/local/tomcat/conf/jk/workers.properties" 
> JkLogFile "/usr/local/tomcat/logs/mod_jk.log" 
> JkLogLevel info 
> JkMount /jsp-examples/*.jsp ajp13 
> JkMount /site/*.jsp ajp13 
> ------------------------------------------------------------- 
> and my workers.properties looks as so: 
> ------------------------------------------------------------- 
> workers.tomcat_home=3D/usr/local/tomcat 
> workers.java_home=3D/usr/java 
> ps=3D/ 
> worker.list=3Dajp13 
> worker.ajp13.port=3D8009 
> worker.ajp13.host=3Dlocalhost 
> worker.ajp13.type=3Dajp13 
> worker.ajp13.lbfactor=3D1 
> ------------------------------------------------------------- 
> when i browse to http://localhost/jsp-examples everything works great, 
> this was the dir of examples that came packaged with tomcat 
> however, i created a new dir under webapps/ called site and placed a 
> test.jsp file 
> in there... when browsing to http://localhost/site/test.jsp i get an 
> HTTP Status 404 - /site/test.jsp "The requested resource 
> (/site/test.jsp) is not available." 
> If I move the test.jsp file to /jsp-examples folder, it runs! Why is 
> this? This is killing me, I know it can't be too complex... the 
> jsp-examples folder can run scripts but my newly created one cannot. 
> Is there a setting im missing? 
> Also, If i added the following line, could I run jsp's from anywhere 
> within my web doc tree: 
> JkMount /*.jsp ajp13 
> Any help appreciated :) 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
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