Thanks to Paul Constantine and Alan Chandler for their responses.

I've managed to get it all working (eventually!). I think there were 
two stumbling blocks:
1. I had rebuild Apache but was accidentally running the old version, 
so the httpd.conf was not being picked up.
2. Paul's blog clarified which settings I should be using in 

I've tried to record exactly what I did here: This 
might be particularly useful for anyone else trying to set up Tomcat 
on a Go Daddy virtual dedicated server.

> I set things up considerably different, though. For example, I was just
> trying to serve jsp's from the $CATALINA_HOME\webapps directory. I'm not
> entirely sure, but I think the JkMount directive only points to that
> directory.

I think the JkMounts are just telling JK to try to pass on the 
request to Tomcat if the URL fits a particular pattern. I've 
JkMounted all of the directories I need, and Tomcat is happy to look 
for the files in a different directory from Apache.

> It looks like you're defining more workers in your than
> you're actually using in httpd.conf. I don't think you need the ajp12
> worker.

Yes, you're right. Thanks.

> Another thing is that you have not defined a JkShmFile (a shared memory
> file). This is required for connectors 1.2.10 and later (although 1.2.13
> might set one up on its own).

I didn't need this with 1.2.13.

> Just a quick look at your server.xml file seems to be missing the
> <engine jvmroute= ...
> that I have.

I still don't have an <engine jvmroute=
However, my sets up the paths for Java and Tomcat. 
I don't know whether this is the same thing.

Computers -- don't you just love em! ;-)

Thanks again

Matthew Strawbridge
Bespoke software development and freelance technical copy editing

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