Hi List , 
This is actually problem with JNDI . I'm tring to connect to mysql database via 
JNDI in tomcat 5.5.9. First of all 
i installed tomcat 5.5.9 in my windows 2000 advance server machine and accrding 
to guide of  
 url , I  have done every thng 
according to the article.
my sql connector is mysql-connector-java-3.1.10-bin.jar C:\Tomcat\common\lib
after all the steps get done , i pointed to the  test.jsp
but i got an error saying ,
DataSource invalid: "org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot 
create JDBC driver of class '' for 
connect URL 'null'"
so then i surf the internet to findout a soloution , there are plenty of such 
issues and some closest solutions  
with crerating .war files , changing some parameters like that .
but , i would like to ask from directly  from jakarta.apache.org/tomcat  , do u 
have sudgested a solution for this 
matter / problem ? is it a bug in that particular version ( 5.5.9 ) ? do i have 
to switched for another version ?
is that problem of curruption of mysql connector ? 
can i findout any one who has already solved this issue ?
I read well FAQ's rules and regulations . i agreed with that . and i think , 
this issue has discussed couple of 
times in this list. but i cant findout exactly how could be the solution was 
!!!!! .
Please help me , it's really appreciate if u guys can consider this problem 
deeply .
Thanx in advance for Tomcat and the LIST ,

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