You're right in that it should work.  I can only guess the most likely
reason this might fail is your web.xml configuration.  Look for servlet
mappings that might catch the data/test1.html url.  Your log files
should have more information.  Also check to be sure the tomcat service
has read privilege on the file and it's directory.


Joe Becknell wrote:

>I'm new to Tomcat and having a problem I thought someone could help me with.
>I have an application with servlet installed under webapps. I can run the
>servlet without problems. The servlet creates a page that gets sent to the
>browser with some links to some (HTML and XML) data files on it. When I
>click on one of the links, I get a 404 (resource not available) error, even
>though the file exists under my web application location. My setup is
>(basically, I'm not at work, so I can't remember it exactly):
>in my server.xml config file I have:
><Context path="/testapp" docBase="testapp" debug="0" reloadable="true">
>although I don't think I need this since my app is located under the webapps
>directory. Navigating to:
>http://localhost:8080/testapp/index.html works fine, but navigating to
>http://localhost:8080/testapp/data/test1.html gives me the 404 error. I was
>under the imression that I could place files anywhere under the application
>root (docBase) directory. Am I missing something here. Configuration
>Thanks for any information.

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