Did you change "Tomcat Home" and "Configuration File" at Window/Preferences/Tomcat?

Fight the bureaucrats ;)
- Manfred

Sternbergh, Cornell wrote:

Hi everybody

I'm using Tomcat (4.1) with the Sysdeo plug-in for Eclipse (3.0) on a
WinXP machine.

Had everything installed on C:\ and all was right with the world.

Then came McAfee and the bureaucrats, who feel that ALL files should be
scanned on access.  Which means that even something as benign as looking
for a file in an archive, a zip, or jar, causes the entire archive to be
scanned, every time.  This drives the CPU time consumed by McAfee to

The bureaucrats' solution...  Move them all to a network drive, where
more powerful machines will do the scanning (and get maxed out)

So... I've moved the C:\eclipse and C:\tomcat directories to a networked
drive, H:\

I've changed the environment variable CATALINA_HOME to be H:\tomcat and
I've changed references in H:\tomcat\conf\server.xml to H: instead of C:

Eclipse comes up fine, but when I try to start tomcat, I get:
 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/catalina/startup/Bootstrap

The Bootstrap class is in H:\tomcat\bin\bootstrap.jar, I copied it back
to C:\ and tried to start tomcat, and got:
 Exception during startup processing
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina

So... tomcat is still looking at C: for stuff when starting.

What am I missing, any ideas?

Thank you
R. Cornell Sternbergh
(717) 787-6760

<<Sternbergh, Cornell.vcf>>

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