More info on this:

The ant command that downloads the file that can't be unzipped is

<antcall target="downloadzip">
     <param name="sourcefile" value="${junit.loc}"/>
     <param name="destfile" value="${junit.jar}"/>
     <param name="destdir" value="${base.path}"/>

There's no value defined for junit.loc anywhere in the script, so I'm not sure how the location of the downloaded file is specified. This is the case with all the files downloaded in the build script, so I'm sure it's just my ignorance of how the ant script gets the files form CVS. Can someone please enlighten me as to how I can determine the source of this file that's failing to be unzipped, and what might be causing that?


Mark Leone wrote:

I'm trying to install Tomcat 5.5.9 from the source distribution on Win XP. The build fails because the following file can't be expanded


When I try to unzip it manually I get an error that it's not a valid archive file.

Anyone know where I can get a proper copy of this file? BTW I'm using ant 1.6.5.


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