Yeah setting Context Manager home="/path-to-tomcat" did the trick.

Besides this in the tomcat.conf file

I did the following

ApJServMount /examples /root
<Location /examples/WEB-INF/>
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

without the Alias directive I had put earlier.

I can run all the example servlets and jsps without any problem through
apache 1.3.17,SSL, mod_jserv, Tomcat .
Apache handles the request to context manager. Now after you set context
manager home. it can resolve /examples accurately and serve the servlets. 



-----Original Message-----
From: Todd Pfaff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 9:01 AM
Cc: Animesh Chaturvedi - US
Subject: Re: Hey I found the solution RE: Servlets do not run under
Apache-tom cat 

On Thu, 29 Mar 2001, Animesh Chaturvedi - US wrote:

> Hi filip 
> I found the solution. You have to make a change in tomcat's server.xml
> In the ContextManager section you have to set up a variable like
> home="TOMCAT_HOME".

That's all?  That solved your problem?  Something like this?
(TOMCAT_HOME = /tomcat in my case)

  home="/tomcat" debug="0" workDir="work" showDebugInfo="true" >

> Now you do  not need to use an Alias directive they all will work.

Are you saying that, for example, with this Alias directive removed from
your tomcat-apache.conf file:

  Alias /examples "/tomcat/webapps/examples"
  <Directory "/tomcat/webapps/examples">
      Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
  ApJServMount /examples/servlet /examples

that you can still load the examples index page:


and then run the example servlet:


when using an apache server?

How could this be possible?  How would apache know where to find

Todd Pfaff                         \  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computing and Information Services  \ Voice: (905) 525-9140 x22920
ABB 132                              \  FAX: (905) 528-3773
McMaster University                   \
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada  L8S 4M1     \

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