Check whether EVERYTHING is UTF8 including file names on your OS
file system, JSP/servlet sourcfile encoding, request and response.

Arun Prasad R wrote:
> thanks Hiroshi,
> I set -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 while starting tomcat and my platform support 
> UTF-8 creation.
> servlet is same as what u have specifed
> but i get broken image(ie file not found)
> arun
> On 8/12/05, Hiroshi Iwatani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Your tomcat isn't running with UTF-8 and/or your platform doesn't use
>>UTF-8 for file name.
>>On my Linux Fedora Core 3:
>>echo $LANG == ja_JP.UTF-8
>>means text file(including .java) and file name on OS file system
>>are created with UTF8 encoding.
>>on our servlet:
>>String contType = "text/html;charset=UTF-8";
>>//or, response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF8");
>>out.println("<IMG SRC=\"/" + text + ".jpg\">"); //text is a UTF8 String
>>Arun Prasad R wrote:
>>>i have a ウェブ.jpg (japanese filename) in images directory.
>>>while requesting that file url encode to %E3%82%A6%E3%82%A7%E3%83%96.jpg
>>>but tomcat doesn't serve ウェブ.jpg instead it says file not found.
>>>my question is how to make tomcat to decode
>>>%E3%82%A6%E3%82%A7%E3%83%96.jpg as ウェブ.jpg
>>Hiroshi Iwatani
>>*stop cruelty* Annual number of institutionally euthanized cats and dogs
>>including kittens and puppies: US 5 million, JP 500 thousand. How about
>>your country? *for our better karma*
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Hiroshi Iwatani

*stop cruelty* Annual number of institutionally euthanized cats and dogs
including kittens and puppies: US 5 million, JP 500 thousand. How about
your country? *for our better karma*

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