From: "Hassan Schroeder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

:snips from: <>

So it seems the HTML specification *does* require the parts be sent
in particular (source) order.

Thanks! I was using the wrong search terms-- 'parameter' instead of 'control name' and so I never found that. At which point I assumed the specification was silent on the matter and I could do whatever I pleased. :) So I stand corrected on the browser behavior part.

But it has nothing to say about what *processing agents* do with 'em.
And if the servlet spec *doesn't* demand that the parts be stored and
made available in that same order...

Assuming enough people can be convinced that this is broken, there's where the "fix" needs to be applied. Until the Servlet specification says that the order of request parameters must be preserved, Tomcat is free to do whatever it wants with them.

Greg Murray (the Servlet specification lead) has asked for input on what we'd all like to see in the next version, so here's a chance to comment:

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Wendy Smoak

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