I'm trying to get Tomcat3.2.1 to successfully compile my JSP.

I have a base class called TrainingForm and I have a class called
TrainingFormDetail that extends TrainingForm. It's like it is complaining
about the base class. I read in the JSP1.1 spec that the type field is used
for <implements and extends>. Note: I was able to successfully compile all
my java classes. Here is my JSP code (which is just a test for now):

<!-- TrainingForm jsp -->

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html" %>
<jsp:useBean id="trainingDetail" scope="session" class="TrainingFormDetail"
<jsp:setProperty name="trainingDetail" property="*" />
<% trainingDetail.insertTrainingFormDetail(); %>

<title>Test Bean</title>

Name: <jsp:getProperty name="trainingDetail" property="name" />
Job Title: <jsp:getProperty name="trainingDetail"          
property="jobTitle" />
Date Of Employment: <jsp:getProperty name="trainingDetail"          
property="dateOfEmployment" />
Staff Mgr: <jsp:getProperty name="trainingDetail"          
property="staffMgr" />
Location: <jsp:getProperty name="trainingDetail"          
property="location" />
Region: <jsp:getProperty name="trainingDetail"           property="region"


Here is the error stack track:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for
Class jsp.TrainingForm not found.
TrainingForm trainingDetail = null;


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