Hi there

first time mailing to this list so apologies if this is not the place to ask 
this question. if so, please tell me where to go. (yes, I know. whole heap of 
dodgy replies to that last sentence. :)

I've recently configured an apache front end with virtual hosting on port 
8000 to relay to port 8009 etc on tomcat. This set of errors keeps appearing 
when I try to access the host:8000. Any ideas please anyone?

all and any help appreciated deeply.

thanks v. much

(errors from apache log follow)

[Thu Aug 18 17:36:57 2005] [notice] channelApr.open(): create tcp socket 
[Thu Aug 18 17:36:57 2005] [error] channelApr.open() attempt to connect to 
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8009 (tchost) failed 111
[Thu Aug 18 17:36:57 2005] [error] ajp13.connect() failed ajp13:tchost:8009
[Thu Aug 18 17:36:57 2005] [error] ajp13.service() failed to connect endpoint 
errno=9 Bad file descriptor
[Thu Aug 18 17:36:57 2005] [error] ajp13.service() Error  forwarding 
ajp13:tchost:8009 1 1
[Thu Aug 18 17:36:57 2005] [notice] ajp13.done() close endpoint 
ajp13:tchost:8009 error_state 1
[Thu Aug 18 17:36:57 2005] [error] mod_jk.handler() Error connecting to 
tomcat 120000

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