From: "Wendy Smoak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have a standalone Tomcat 5.0 instance, and a third-party webapp that has support for authentication via LDAP. Of course, we don't have LDAP, we have Kerberos. It should be a simple matter to plug in a different Realm, right?

Replying to myself for the benefit of the archives...

I came up with three examples of Kerberos authentication with Tomcat and JAASRealm:

The first one is converting the 'jsp-examples' webapp to use Kerberos by adding/changing config files, no Java code is required.

From there, I have a custom LoginModule that wraps Sun's Krb5LoginModule in
order to add more roles to the Subject in the 'commit' method. And finally, a custom Realm that extends JAASRealm and overrides 'authenticate' (for the same reason, to add roles). I welcome comments on the code... it works, but considering that I'm only a week into learning about CMA and JAAS, I'm sure it could be improved.

I hope that once JSR 196 is final, someone will write a more robust LoginModule for Kerberos. Failover would be nice... AFAICT you can only configure one kdc for Sun's Krb5LoginModule.

Wendy Smoak

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