> From: Fabien Benoit [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I'm using Tomcat (4.1) and Axis 1.2 to provide a web service interface
> to a classical 2-tier application. My problem is, I need to access the
> existing API of this application, a single jar located outside the
> tomcat install. Copying this jar inside tomcat commmon lib dir or
> webapp lib dir is not permitted.
> Since tomcat gets rid of the system classpath

... But you can put it back by modifying catalina.{bat,sh} depending on
platform, which will be more robust than relying on a classloader.  If
you have a constraint that you're *also* not allowed to touch the Tomcat
startup files, then I would feed back that the combination of these
constraints will make any eventual solution *less* robust rather than
the intention behind the constraints of making more robust systems.

                - Peter

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