Paul Austin wrote:
The test case I am using is running on Tomcat 5.5.9.

1. The web application is deployed as a the app.war file, with no
context.xml file to the wars/<host> directory

_and_ no META-INF/context.xml in the war file, right?

2. The Host configuration is as follows.
  <Host debug="99" name="<host>" unpackWARs="false"
     <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
     prefix="<host>" timestamp="false" />
3. In conf/Catalina/<host>/app.xml
  <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
  <Context debug="9" docBase="wars/<host>/app.war" path="/app"
    reloadable="true" workDir="work/Catalina/<host>/app">
    <ResourceLink global="jdbc/appDs" name="jdbc/appDs"

When I copy app.war into wars/<host> to repeploy using the automatic
deployer I check the conf/Catalina/<host>/ and
http://<host>/manager/list and the app.xml and the /app context are

I would check your logs for errors, but also go through all your
entries in your server.xml and "app".xml files

For instance, for the path attribute of Context:
  The value of this field must not be set except when statically
  defining a Context in server.xml, as it will be infered from the
  filenames used for either the .xml context file or the docBase.

Sometimes the subtle config errors will bite'cha :-)

Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===

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