For now, I placed a test .jsp file in the $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT
directory.  I haven't deployed a .war file yet.   

Rick Mattier
Systems Analyst II
Wind River Systems
Canton: 781 364-2002
Nashua 603 897-2084

-----Original Message-----
From: David Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 9:38 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Trying to connect tomcat5 with postgresql database

Depends on how you are deploying your app.

1) If deploying as an expanded folder, name the context.xml file after
your webapp and place it in conf/Catalina/localhost.  For example, if
your app is called tutorial, it would have it's <Context> element in the
file $CATALINA_BASE/conf/Catalina/localhost/tutorial.xml where
$CATALINA_BASE is the top level of your tomcat installation.

2) If deploying as a .war file, the file is named 'context.xml' and
placed in the META-INF directory of the war archive.  Tomcat will read
it when deploying the application.


Mattier, Ricardo wrote:

>Where should the context.xml file be placed, and what else should go in

>this file?  I'll rename my jar file to see if that works too?  Thanks!
>Rick Mattier
>Systems Analyst II
>Wind River Systems
>Canton: 781 364-2002
>Nashua 603 897-2084
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 6:16 AM
>To: Tomcat Users List
>Subject: Re: Trying to connect tomcat5 with postgresql database
>And make sure the driver you downloaded matches your server version.
>Also, for some reason, my setup wouldn't work until I renamed the 
>driver to postgresql.jar from pg74.216.jdbc3.jar.
>>Hi Rick --
>><Resource auth="Container"
>>                  description="PostgresSQL Connection Pool"
>>                  name="jdbc/postDB" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
>>                  driverClassName="org.postgresql.Driver"
>>                  url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/test"
>>        />
>>Good, just make sure you get the rest of the parameters in there like 
>>username="xxxx" and password="xxxxx".  The <ResourceParams> elements 
>>are not used in tomcat 5.5.  Also you mentioned this is in server.xml.
>>It should be inside the <Context> element of the context.xml file used
>>in your deployment.
>>      <resource-ref>
>>           <res-ref-name>jdbc/postDB</res-ref-name>
>>           <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type>
>>        <res-auth>Container</res-auth>
>>    </resource-ref>
>>The web.xml looks good.  The only other thing I can think of is to be 
>>sure the driver jar file is in common/lib.
>>Edoardo Panfili wrote:
>>>I miss a part of my web.xml
>>>        <resource-ref>
>>>                <description>postgreSQL Datasource</description>
>>>                <res-ref-name>jdbc/lisy</res-ref-name>
>>>                <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type>
>>>                <res-auth>Container</res-auth>
>>>        </resource-ref>
>>>    <display-name>lisy</display-name>
>>>Mattier, Ricardo wrote:
>>>>I duplicated your configuration for the server.xml file, and I came
>>>>up with the same error.
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: Edoardo Panfili [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, 
>>>>September 10, 2005 7:49 AM
>>>>To: Tomcat Users List
>>>>Subject: Re: Trying to connect tomcat5 with postgresql database
>>>>This is my configuration server.xml 
>>>><Resource name="jdbc/guidebook" auth="Container" 
>>>><ResourceParams name="jdbc/lisy">
>>>>  <parameter>
>>>>============================= conde inside the servlet========
>>>>Context ambiente =(
>>>>    Context) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env");
>>>>DataSource pool = (DataSource) ambiente.lookup("jdbc/lisy");
>>>>Connection c=pool.getConnection();
>>>>I am using Postgres 7.4 and Tomcat 5.0
>>>>Mattier, Ricardo wrote:
>>>>>Hello,       I'm currently working with Tomcat5 on Solaris10 x86 
>>>>>machine.  I'm running into problems when trying to access a 
>>>>>postgresql 8.0.1 database on the local machine. Cannot create JDBC
>>>>>driver of class '' for connect URL null'  is the error I receive 
>>>>>when trying to establish
>>>>a connection.
>>>>>Here's the snipet of code I used in my .jsp:
>>>>>Context ctx = new InitialConection();
>>>>>DataSource ds =
>>>>>Connection con = ds.getConnection();
>>>>>    I noticed it would compile fine if I remove the getConnection
>>>>>Once I add it back in,  the above error appears.  I've followed the

>>>>>instructions on the jakarta page, and thought I made the correct 
>>>>>insertions in both server.xml, and WEB-INF/web.xml. Here are the 
>>>>>    server.xml
>>>>><Resource auth="Container"
>>>>>                  description="PostgresSQL Connection Pool"
>>>>>                  name="jdbc/postDB" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
>>>>>                  driverClassName="org.postgresql.Driver"
>>>>>                  url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/test"
>>>>>        />
>>>>>        <ResourceParams name="jdbc/postDB">
>>>>>            <parameter>
>>>>>                <name>driverClassName</name>
>>>>>                <value>org.postgresql.Driver</value>
>>>>>            </parameter>
>>>>>            <parameter>
>>>>>                <name>url</name>
>>>>>            </parameter>
>>>>>            <parameter>
>>>>>                <name>username</name>
>>>>>                <value>postgres</value>
>>>>>            </parameter>
>>>>>            <parameter>
>>>>>                <name>password</name>
>>>>>                <value>postgres</value>
>>>>>            </parameter>
>>>>>            <parameter>
>>>>>                <name>maxIdle</name>
>>>>>                <value>2</value>
>>>>>            </parameter>
>>>>>            <parameter>
>>>>>                <name>maxActive</name>
>>>>>                <value>10</value>
>>>>>            </parameter>
>>>>>        </ResourceParams>
>>>>>Here is the web.xml:
>>>>>      <resource-ref>
>>>>>           <res-ref-name>jdbc/postDB</res-ref-name>
>>>>>           <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type>
>>>>>        <res-auth>Container</res-auth>
>>>>>    </resource-ref>
>>>>>Thanks in advance!
>>>>>-Rick Mattier
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>>David Smith
>>Network Operations Supervisor
>>Department of Entomology
>>Cornell University
>>2132 Comstock Hall
>>Ithaca, NY 14853
>>Phone: (607) 255-9571
>>Fax: (607) 255-0940
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David Smith
Network Operations Supervisor
Department of Entomology
College of Agriculture & Life Sciences
Cornell University
2132 Comstock Hall
Ithaca, NY  14853
Phone: 607.255.9571
Fax: 607.255.0939

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