You should only set the JMX JAVA_OPTS for startup.
If you use the same JAVA_OPTS for shutdown, the shutdown-VM will unsuccessfully try to start a JMX server on port 7777.
That's what taking so long.

Joe R. Lindsay wrote:
If found an old post mentioning the same issue, but
no resolution or others.  My config is pretty vanilly
except for setting the JMX options as part of
the normal Tomcat startup (CATALINA_OPTS)...


Shutdown of tomcat takes a very long time when jmx is enabled, even if
I use manager to shutdown the individual webapps.  With jmx disabled,
shutdown times are normal....has anyone else seen or resolved this?

-----Original Message-----
Subject: RE: Shutdown not working under SLES8 and FC2
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 11:08:01 GMT
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I have had the same problem of Tomcat not terminating and having to be
killed by hand.

It occurred with Tomcat 5.0.27, JDK1.4.2, RH Enterprise Linux 3 when I
enabled JMX via jk2 configuration.

I tried 5.0.28 but the same happened using jk2, so I put JMX on a back

Now I'm using 5.5.7, JDK1.4.2_06 and the same thing happens - but again,
only when mx.enabled is true.

Uname -a gives:

2.4.21-4.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri Oct 3 17:52:56 EDT 2003 i686 i686 i386

The problem seems to happen even with a clean distro - all it takes is
for to be modified to start JMX support, with the MX jars
in common/lib.

Fortunately it happens every time on ./ so I hope someone can
shed some light on it.

I'd like to use JMX even without JDK1.5 - maybe using jsvc is a
workaround. I don't want to force a process kill as normal procedure, in
case some cleanup is skipped such as session persistence.


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