What exception ?

[ If it's not confidential. :) ]

Viorel Dragomir


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Mauricio Fernandez A. 
To: Tomcat Users List 
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 14:42
Subject: RE: Problems with graphics on Tomcat 5.5.9

Trying again to make the graphics appear in my web app, I did a test web app
and I had been trying to start the Tomcat with -Djava.awt.headless=true
option as I read in some forums

#export CATALINA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true"

But they do not appear either

The web test app can be found here http://www.actesoft.com:8080/Prueba/jsp/
and the wanted result after click on "Graficar" is something like this
http://www.actesoft.com/ejGrafico/ (static page)

Also I have try to insert in the Graficador.class constructor the next
System.set/getProperties lines

public Graficador(String Path){
this.contexto = Path;
this.background = null;

//System.setProperty returns the current value before assignment
String vrPropiedad = System.setProperty("java.awt.headless", "true");

// Log the before assignment value to a log file to debug
logger.debug("BEFORE = java.awt.headless = " + vrPropiedad);

//and log the after assignmet value to a log file too
vrPropiedad = System.getProperty("java.awt.headless");
logger.debug("NOW = java.awt.headless = " + vrPropiedad);

And these are the log file lines the app write

2005-10-10 11:18:15,996 [-t] INFO [index.jsp] - Loading form
2005-10-10 11:18:15,999 [-t] INFO [index.jsp] - Form OK !
2005-10-10 11:18:24,710 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - loading page: grafica.jsp
2005-10-10 11:18:24,716 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - Creating object:
2005-10-10 11:18:24,746 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - BEFORE = java.awt.headless
= true <-- It is True!
2005-10-10 11:18:24,746 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - NOW = java.awt.headless =
true <-- It is True!
2005-10-10 11:18:24,747 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - Creating Category 1 ...
2005-10-10 11:18:24,747 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - Creating Category 2 ...
2005-10-10 11:18:24,748 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - Creating Category 3 ...
2005-10-10 11:18:24,748 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - Giving the control to a
Graficador Object, it must make the chart
2005-10-10 11:18:24,769 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - Starting chart creation
2005-10-10 11:18:24,788 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - Data process .... OK
2005-10-10 11:18:25,548 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - Creating Chart .... OK
2005-10-10 11:18:25,549 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - Making a PNG image from

And here the app trhows an exception

Any idea is always welcome, thanks.

Mauricio Fernandez

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