I had some troubles with Tomcat working with IIS.
I found an answer to my problem on the developper mailing list:


I was particularly happy to find this comment:
In your registry when you add to the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\Parameters --
Filter DLLs key. Make sure that you DO NOT include the isapi_redirect.dll in
this string. For example if you have put the dll in a bin\win32\i386
directory in your jakarta-tomcat directory the key value should be
c:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1\bin\win32\i386This was a major headache for me, even
though the directions say FULL PATH they only mean PATH. For all of you that
were always getting a 404 error because tomcat was always looking for
/jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll instead of the URL you typed in, this is the

I hope this will help other users ...
PS: pardon me  for my bad English...

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