On Thu, 05 Apr 2001 08:58:59 EDT "Lyle H. Ward" wrote:
> Not that it is any help, but! I use IE over the net to several secure sites
> (mostly financial) and see this same behavior. I think it is in the IE code
> and outside of maybe obtaining the IE source, there isn't any cure. 

We also suffer from this behavior -- without any real idea how to get 
around it. Especially "multipart/form-data" forms show this error most
times at the first try of submitting (ususally going back and retrying 
submit does the job -- interesting, isn't it?)

However it seems to me that the known problem with IE+keepalive can be
seen at some(?) versions of IE5.0, thus I'm trying:
    BrowserMatch "MSIE 5\.0" nokeepalive downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0

Definitly the failure on 301/302 redirector requests vanished, I also 
does not get a negative feedback on the "This page cannot be accessed..."
problem since I've changed this settings. Sadly, as the behavior described 
by Kresmir is non-deterministic this may also be a false guess ...


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