> i'm having trouble installing jakarta tomcat on my computer. 
> i have set my
> ms-dos prompt to 4096 for initial environment. when i run 
> 'startup.bat' in
> c:\tomcat\bin, it will open a new dos window titled 'java' 
> but it always
> hangs when it reaches the following message:
> 2001-04-09 09:07:20 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting 
> Ajp12ConnectionHandler on 8007

That sounds pretty normal, as far as it goes: Tomcat is sitting around
waiting for someone to connect (e.g., with a browser).

1) When you connect with a browser, are you going to a static file, a
servlet, or a JSP page?  Is Tomcat chewing CPU, or just sitting there doing

2) Are there any messages in the error logs?

3) When you hit the break key (Control-Break on Windows), what stack traces
do you get?  (As a first pass, ignore anything that's hung in

4) Are any of your servlets marked as <load-on-startup> in your web.xml?

                                                            -- Bill K.

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