I have been experiencing some problems with sessions timeouts.  It 
seems that they are not unbinding all my sessions attributes.  For 
instance.  I have a session tracker object that gets bound to a user's 
session when they log in.  This  simply adds 1 to an application level 
attribute indicating the number of people who are currently logged 
in.  When the user's logs out I call session.removeAttribute("tracker"); 
explicitly and the attribute is unbound.  This decrements the application 
attribute by 1.  This all works fine.  However if the session actually 
time's out the tracker object doesn't seem to be unbound.  I.e. my little 
session tracker program still show the user as loged in.
         Has anyone else encountered this problem, and if so is there a 
solution for it?

         Tomcat 3.2.1
         Sun JDK 1.3.0_1
         Apache 1.3.19
         Solaris 8

Chad La Joie                           "Only a man who can not conquer
IT Specialist                             his deficiencies feels the need to
IS&C - WARD                             convince the world he has none"

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