Hello Hasan,

  thanx for your reply, but it looks like you really missed the point ( sorry
for my english - i live just 4 month in the U.S. ) :) I do not have a problem
with my class - it works fine. But if I use your definition - it will not work.
When I inherit my servlet from base class, doGet() and/or doPost() methods 
will be overriden by inherited class, and I loose all functionality :(

  My problem is - i cannot handle 404 error in Tomcat! I said how I've defined
404 error handler, but /404.jsp does not run! It looks like Tomcat invokes
service() method of my baseServlet class while it cannot create an instance
of this class and method is not defined as static. Why does THIS happened? Why
Tomcat invokes my code instead of make redirection to /404.jsp?

  That is my question :))))

  Sincerely yours,

Hasan Bramwell wrote:
> Felix
> No yr not crazy, just a littl masochistic maybe  :-)
> (either that or I've missed the point)
> instead of ...
> >    public void service(HttpServletRequest Req, HttpServletResponse Res)
> >           throws ServletException, IOException
> >    {
> why don't you try ...
>  public void doGet(HttpServletRequest Req, HttpServletResponse Res)
>            throws ServletException, IOException
>  {
>    theRestOfIt(Req, Res);
>  }
>  public void doPost(HttpServletRequest Req, HttpServletResponse Res)
>            throws ServletException, IOException
>  {
>    theRestOfIt(Req, Res);
>  }
>  private void theRestOfIt(Req, Res)
>            throws ServletException, IOException
>  {
>      what you really need to do here...
>  }
> the documentation says pretty clearly not to use 'service' -- "This
> method is rarely overridden."
> Hasan
> > From: "Felix A. Milovanov"
> >  Subject:  Am I crazy???
> >  Date:  Mon, 09 Apr 2001 17:48:14 -0700
> >    Hello all,
> >
> >    now I start using Tomcat and servlet/JSP programming. I was need
> >  to make some
> >  activity BEFORE invoking any servlet/JSP. I've created a very simple
> >  class :
> >
> >  import java.io.*;
> >  import java.sql.*;
> >  import java.lang.*;
> >  import java.util.*;
> >  import javax.servlet.*;
> >  import javax.servlet.http.*;
> >  import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
> >
> >  public abstract class baseServlet extends HttpServlet implements
> >  HttpJspPage
> >  {
> >
> >    public void _jspService(HttpServletRequest Req,
> >  HttpServletResponse Res)
> >           throws ServletException, IOException {}
> >
> >    public void jspInit() {}
> >    public void jspDestroy() {}
> >
> >    public void service(HttpServletRequest Req, HttpServletResponse
> >  Res)
> >           throws ServletException, IOException
> >    {
> >      String Path = Req.getServletPath();
> >
> >      System.out.println("URL called : " + Path);
> >
> >      /* Invoke original handler */
> >      if (Path.endsWith(".jsp")) _jspService(Req, Res);
> >                           else  super.service(Req, Res);
> >    }
> >
> >
> >  }
> >
> >    I can inherit any servlet/JSP from this class, and now I just
> >  print to
> >  console the URI of requested WEB resource.
> >
> >    Ok, everything works. Then I tried to handle error 404 with Tomcat
> >  - I've
> >  already described 404 handler for apache :
> >
> >  ErrorDocument 404 /404.jsp
> >
> >    /404.jsp works excellent, but when I tried to run something non-
> >  existed
> >  URI like "/servelt/bla-bla-bla", I got an error from Tomcat instead
> >  of
> >  /404.jsp. Ok, I read the documentation and found how it should be
> >  done:
> >
> >  <web-app>
> >   <error-page>
> >    <error-code>404</error-code>
> >    <location>/404.jsp</location>
> >   </error-page>
> >  </web-app>
> >
> >    For now these lines are all in my web.xml. I've restarted tomcat,
> >  tried
> >  to access /servlet/hmm and got the following message ( insted of my
> >  own /404.jsp ) :
> >
> >  Error: 400
> >  Location: /servlet/hmm
> >  HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL
> >
> >    The most strange issue is... I'VE GOT MESSAGE "URI called :
> >  /servlet/hmm"
> >
> >    I do not understand anything... WHY MY CODE IS INVOKED???
> >
> >    Sincerely,
> >                                                          Felix.
> >

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