D'oh! Riiiiight....I seem to have suffered a temporary case of insanity and
confused present with future.  Support for mod_jk is something that they're
WORKING on....here's what they have in the TODO has high priority:

"Design and implement a high-performance Connector implementation that
interoperates with the existing mod_jk infrastructure of Tomcat 3.2, to
provide either in-process or out-of-process servlet/JSP support for Apache
(2.0 required for in-process), Microsoft IIS, Netscape iPlanet, and
AOLServer, or equivalent with a new protocol that is webapp-aware.

Now, you said you where using a mod_webapp from a previous beta right?  Do
you think it's changed at all?  I'd try compiling the new one and passably
sending the relevant sections of your config files.

Sorry for being an idiot!
Fox, the Balloon Fox

> -----Original Message-----
> From: dan [mailto:dan]On Behalf Of Dan Sandberg
> Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2001 9:42 PM
> Subject: RE: mod_webapp.so advice
> Are you saying the connectors from Tomcat 3 work with Tomcat 4?  Because
> Tomcat 4 doesn't include any ajp connectors as far as I can tell.  How
> is this setup?
> Thanks,
> -Dan
> >Hi there! I just wanted to say that while I myself haven't tried using
> >mod_webapp, I've had great luck using mod_jk to connect Apache
> to Tomcat 4b.
> >It worked great with ajp12 and 13 connectors on my win2k system.
> >
> >Fox, the Balloon Fox

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