At 05:46 PM 4/16/2001 -0400, you wrote:

>No, you can't just rename DLL files.  Windows stores a "library" name 
>inside the DLL, and it gets bothered if the current DLL name doesn't match 
>the name stored inside the DLL. works as a DLL because it was 
>built as  So a more exact wording of my statement below is 
>"Windows doesn't require DLLs to have a .dll extension, but you must 
>decide what name you want your DLL to have and stick with it."

As of windows 2k the os keeps a "double secret" registry
of system files using a hash code of the contents as well
as a digital signature that includes the version info, so
I'm not so sure that simply renaming the library is enough
to freak it out but I don't see the value in re-naming things
unnecessarily. I use mod_jk and I didn't have to re-name the

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