I am starting to test out the Tomcat Server, and I am doing an example that
is in the Core Servlets and JSP book. Anyway, they have an example of using
some CSS in a resume posting example. 

I am entering the HTML into the following folder under Tomcat:

So I decided to put my CCS page here also

The beginning of my HTML has the following:
!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional/EN">
   <TITLE>Free Resume Posting</TITLE>
   <LINK REL=STYLESHEET HREF="test.css" TYPE="text/css">

I have tried about everything, but I cannot pick up the CSS file? I have
restarted the tomcat, and cleared browser cache, quit the browser. Here is
the message from the Tomcat Console.

2001-04-18 09:16:29 - Ctx( /jobs-site-styles.css ): 404 R(
 +  + null) null
2001-04-18 09:16:30 - Ctx( /jobs-site-styles.css ): FileHandler: Ends with
\/. D
2001-04-18 09:16:30 - Ctx( /jobs-site-styles.css ): 404 R(
 +  + null) null
2001-04-18 09:16:30 - Ctx( /jobs-site-styles.css ): FileHandler: Ends with
\/. D
2001-04-18 09:16:30 - Ctx( /jobs-site-styles.css ): 404 R(
 +  + null) null

I see a slash before jobs but it is not in my HTML? This is my first CSS
mission, does anyone see any issues here?

Scott Purcell

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