My apologies for inadvertantly FUDding JRun. We have run JRun 2.3 with much better
success. I don't know if it is just me, but JRun products seem to like NT
environments better. The setups that we have had with JRun/NT have all worked
great. Our problems have only manifested when connected to Apache under Solaris.

My problem was specifically with JRun 3.0+Apache. We would experience daily
lockups, where all requests would eventually timeout. The normal stop/start of JRun
wouldn't work, the java process had to be kill -9'd (sending TERM had no effect).
Once you did that, the error_log would spam nondescript errors. Not wanting to sign
a support contract <g> I posted several times to Allaire's JRun forums about the
issue. I got a few "I'm having the exact same problem" replies, but never did find
a solution.

Eventually I figured out I could hang it on demand by changing a jsp file, saving
it, then loading the page in the browser within a second or two of saving. It would
reduce to kill -9 status every time. Around then I decided to try Tomcat just to
see how it did. Once I saw how good it was I never looked back. :)

If you are a current JRun user, don't be alarmed by my words - my case seemed to be
a pretty isolated one. But if you are looking for a fast, stable servlet container,
then run don't walk to Tomcat! Once you lose a few hairs and learn out how to
configure it, it will be your best friend.

(p.s. This is not to discount other servlet containers. I hear resin is fast and
stable, and it does have a pretty attractive licensing setup)

Senior Applications Developer, Special Projects
WorldCom |

Jeff Turner wrote:

> We have found JRun 3.0 to be a fine product (as was it's 2.3 predecessor), and
> use it in many production environments. One should be careful to avoid
> unsubstantiated claims on this forum, lest it amount to FUD.
> That said, most of our developers use Tomcat for development. It is
> spec-compliant, doesn't crash, has excellent support (this list:) and 3.3/4.0
> eliminates much classpath pain. By contrast, JRun *extends* the spec, accepting
> invalid syntax (like <%= foo; %>) which means JSP authors must constantly be on
> guard to avoid portability problems. JRun does not have a tomcat-users
> equivalent, thus has effectively no user community. Unless you're a fan of
> phone-based support, that doesn't leave one much recourse when help is needed.
> is probably the best forum for JSP/servlet
> container comparisons.
> --Jeff
> On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 04:52:31PM -0500, Scott Tatum wrote:
> > Before using Tomcat, our group had spent several k's on JRun 3.0
> > application server. We have several Intranet applications that receive
> > thousands of hits per day. Under JRun we were experiencing daily
> > lockups. After Service Pack 2 for JRun 3 did not fix the problem, I
> > tested out Tomcat 3.2.1.
> >
> > We eventually transitioned all of our jsp/servlet applications from JRun
> > to Tomcat, and have not had a single lockup since. The Tomcat server
> > also serves pages faster IMO. JRun does not support servlet reloading
> > either.
> > >From my experience, Tomcat has high degrees of performance, scalability,
> > and especially reliability. The only issue I don't know much about is
> > security. It is not as much of a concern to us as all of our
> > applications are Intranet-only.
> >
> > Tomcat has been rock-solid for us and we hope to use it for all our
> > future Intranet applications, and are looking forward to a production
> > release of Tomcat 4.
> >
> > -Scott
> >
> > --
> > Scott Tatum | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Senior Applications Developer, Special Projects
> > WorldCom |
> >
> > Henrik Ross wrote:
> >
> > > What are peoples opinions on Tomcat vs. other app servers?
> > >
> > > Performance, scalability, security, reliability?
> > >
> > > Can Tomcat function in a real production business environment?
> >
> >
> >

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