I am trying to get Tomcat 3.2.1 running with Kaffe JVM. Tomcat 3.1.1 runs
well with KaffeJVM

I am trying to include my jspCompiler class instead of the default one. But
tomcat 3.2.1 is unable 
to extract jspCompilerPlugin name from web.xml. 

I put System.out.println statement in
org/apache/jasper/EmbededServletOptions. It returns a value of null
for JspCompilerPlugin.

While in Tomcat 3.1.1 I was able to load my JspCompiler class just be
specifying my class in web.xml.

Does anyone has an idea where do I need to modify in Tomcat3.2.1 so that its
able to work. Its not even working with JikesJavaCompiler and returning the
value of null.

I will really appreciate if someone can help me sort this stuff soon.

Thanks in advance


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