I have run into a strance performance problem with Tomcat that I am at a loss to 
figure out.  In a nutshell, when I run Tomcat (version 3.2.1, standalone) on a Solaris 
Sparc server and hit it with a Windows client, the minimum response time is is abount 
0.2 seconds.  This is for a simple servlet that just returns some static data.  That 
may not sound like a lot of time but if a client makes several requests to the server 
it can add up fast.  If I run the server on a Linux PC that number is about 0.01 
seconds or less.  I also get good performce if I use a Linux client and hit the 
Solaris server.

I have tried using different PC clients (different PCs, one running NT 4 and one with 
Windows 2000), different test programs (one in Java and one in Visual Basic) and it 
makes no difference.

I have tried using different Solaris servers, a 420R and an Ultra 5, neither with any 
kind of load.  I have tried different JDKs (1.2.2 and 1.3.0).  No difference.

I wrote a quickie standalone Java server for the Sparcs and their response time was 
very fast (< 0.01 secs).  The server reads a request, sends a reply, and closes the 
socket much like a web server would.

So the problem combination seems to be Solaris server with Tomcat and a PC client.  I 
know this sounds nuts but it's  totally repeatable and a very serious problem.  Does 
anyone have an idea what I can do to get to the bottom of this?

Thanks a lot.

Douglas Hornig
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Lebanon, NH

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