         That helps incredibly.  That was what I was looking for.  What 
exactly is catalina?  Is this part of tomcat 4.2?  Is it worth 
upgrading?  If a tomcat process for a certain developer goes down, do they 
have to come to you, or can you have a script that they can execute for 
them to restart their tomcat.
         Thanks again for the help,

At 08:56 PM 4/22/2001 , you wrote:
>come closer and i will tell you all i know.
>i have all our developers running their own process instance of tomcat, its
>a load but you know its up and down all day so i figure that the best way..
>1 tomcat per developer..
>/usr/local/tomcat3.2/bin/tomcat -f ${USER_HOME}/conf/server.xml start
>/usr/local/tomcat4.2/bin/catalina -config ${USER_HOME}/conf/server.xml
>the switches have changed over the versions.. heres a look at how we segment
>the development.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Brent and Maria [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Monday, 23 April 2001 1:49 PM
>Subject: RE: multiple accounts
>Thanks Warren,
>          Just to clarify, are you saying to create a server.xml file for
>each user?  If so, how would I use the -f switch for say 10 different
>users?  Is Tomcat 4 stable for production?
>Thanks again for your help,
>          Brent
>At 08:37 PM 4/22/2001 , you wrote:
> >hi,
> >
> >i guess you create multiple hosts running on seperate ports. probably best
> >for tomcat 4.
> >in tomcat 3.2 you can specify a -f switch at command line to point tomcat
> >the server.xml file.
> >
> >regards,
> >
> >warren.
> >
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Brent and Maria [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >Sent: Monday, 23 April 2001 1:41 PM
> >Subject: multiple accounts
> >
> >
> >Hello tomcat users,
> >         This is a re-post.  I got one answer, but I am looking for another
> >way.
> >
> >I am trying to set up tomcat-apache on a linux machine. There are several
> >accounts on the machine and all of them need to use tomcat. I want
> >everyone's work in their own place and nobody else to be able to get to it
> >(home directory/ or webapps/userName/). Is there a standard for doing this?
> >
> >How do you set up tomcat to look in separate folders/directories for
> >jsps/servlets for each user?
> >Please let me know (if I have been specific enough) if you know of any way
> >to do this (or any resources that you can point me at to help me). I was
> >thinking that I would create everyone a separte folder under the /webapps
> >dir, but I was unsure about priviledges...
> >
> >Thanks ahead for the help, Brent

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