I've been trying to make the /admin webapp supplied with tomcat use my
client cert.

I've imported my certificate into the tomcat server host's  .keystore using
-keytool and specifying -trustcacerts.

I'm not sure what to put in the web.xml and whether or not I have to put an
entry into tomcat-users.xml (I haven't been able to find a tomcat-users.dtd)

At present I've got the following in the webapps/admin/web-inf/web.xml:



and I've added   <user name="mycert_alias" password="cert_store_pwd"
roles="admin" /> to tomcat-users.xml.

When a browser requests the contextAdmin.jsp tomcat returns Error: 401
Location: /admin/contextAdmin/contextAdmin.jsp  null

Any help or enlightenment much appreciated.



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