Hmmm...  No books that I know of, either already published or in progress.

I'm not much of an author, but this sounds like an interesting project.
Anyone up for writing a book on Tomcat?  Maybe a not-for-profit,
electronic-format-only guide to Tomcat that users could download.  We could
take the existing documentation (good, however maybe a little sparse) and
add to it.

I've been wanting to get into the Tomcat project for some time now.  This
might be the perfect opportunity.

Any takers?

.. Mike


-----Original Message-----
From: Will England [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 11:04 AM
Subject: Books on Tomcat


Does anyone know of any dead-tree books that document the Tomcat platform>

I've checked O'Reilly and Amazon, with no luck.  I've found a few simple
basic articles, but that is it.

Thanks in advance!


  "If Al Gore invented the Internet, then I invented spellcheck!"
      Dan Quayle, quoted at the National Press Club, 8/3/1999 
                          [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Recovery  :         PCS:  316-371-FOAD 

Mike Bryant (E-mail).vcf

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