There doesn't need to be a servlet directory. Tomcat will automatically
handle it.

The thing that's confusing is that the layout you call from the URL is
mostly virtual...

For your servlet-name element, are you sure you want the .class on the end?

I can tell you that I've no problems setting up Tomcat on several servers. I
find the docs quite clear.


> From: "Dan & Sharon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 11:01:40 -0700
> Subject: seems as though a servlet engine would have a little clearer
> documentation on getting servlets running
> ok,
> install tomcat,
> jsps are workin,
> made new context,
> jsps are workin in it,
> write a servlet(5 min),
> try to get servlet working(5 hr),
> read documentation,
> it says put servlets in WEB-INF/classes dir, did that
> it says add servlet to WEB-INF/web.xml, did that
>   <web-app>
>       <servlet>
>           <servlet-name>servtest.class</servlet-name>
>           <servlet-class>servtest.class</servlet-class>
>       </servlet>
>   </web-app>
> restart tomcat(can't believe this has to be done everytime a servlet
> gets added or changed), did that
> it says call your servlet with
> "http://thehost/WEB-APP/servlet/theservletname";
> did that
> response: 404
> there's no servlet directory, kinda makes sense, but i thought mod_jk
> was taking care of that.  HMM.
> so now that i've followed the instructions and that didn't work, i make
> a servlet directory and add my servlet there.  web browser tries to
> download and save it to my disk, no display.
> i'm sure that this being a servlet engine, it would probably serve
> servlets, otherwise that would be really embarrasing for the
> programmers, so, anyone got any suggestions?

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