At 05:54 PM 4/23/01, you wrote:
>So if not, that's not the case?
> > From: "Tim O'Neil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 14:26:08 -0700
> > Subject: Re: ArrayList vs. Vector
> >
> > At 02:07 PM 4/23/2001 -0700, you wrote:
> >> But that would only apply to objects kept in the application or session
> >> scope, yes?
> >>
> >> If an object a new object is created and placed in the request scope, it's
> >> only going to be accessed by one user (that request) right?
> >
> > Keep thinking that if you write single thread model servlets.

Each HTTP request is served by a Thread. Therefore the 
HttpServletRequest/Response objects are specific to that thread and not 
accessed by any other (unless you specifically create subthreads in your 
request processing). The same applies to Objects created in the scope of 
the request/response--only that thread has access to them. Therefore 
synchronization of objects created/destroyed within the scope of the 
request is unnecessary.

The single thread servlet model doesn't enter into it, unless you are 
counting on unsynchronized access to member or static data of the Servlet 
object, which is used to serve all requests, or other long-lived objects 
(i.e., don't do that unless you use single thread model, which you really 
don't want to do.)

Dennis Doubleday          email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Inc.           web:

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