What would the scope of the book be? Will it be developing a webapp with jsp
and servlets under tomcat, or will it just be about configuring and setting
up tomcat? In either case, I'd guess given the posts I see day in day out on
this list, these following things are essential:

Tomcat & Apache using mod_jk - covering the ajpv12 & ajpv13 differences, and
why NOT to use JServ
Tomcat with SSL via Apache (perhaps including getting apache to use
Deployment using ANT
Tomcat & IIS

Should of course cover both *nix setups and win32 setups. The first two I
know a fair bit about. I know nothing about the second two.

I would guess the book would have to be targeted at tomcat 4.0 to stand a
chance of being up to date when released.


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