  I installed apache_1.3.19-win32-no_src-r2.msi on Windows 2000.
putting the ServerName as localhost, this worked fine and I could open
http://localhost web page.
  I than installed jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1, and this seemed to go fine,
and I could see http://localhost:8080 web page. Than I downloaded
ApacheModuleJServ1b3_136.dll, and put this in the modules directory
of Apache.  I than made sure tomcat and apache were both stopped.
I added this line to apache\conf\httpd.conf....

   Include "c:/Program files.....tomcat/conf/tomcat-apache.conf"

I than started up tomcat first, as that file from what I understand is
generated from server.xml, NOW when I start apache up, it gives
me errors on 2 lines.....
ApJServDefaultProtocol ajpv12
ApJServLogLevel notice
Why I am getting errors here??  If I comment them out, apache
seems to run fine, but since this file is generated from server.xml, I
can't just keep commenting them out every time after starting tomcat
which will happen very often because I am doing some tutorials.

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