It's a thread-problem with the SUN JVM on linux. I posted a solution
that worked for me on 2001-04-26 with the subject "Re: Beating a dead
Horse I know but.....".


Mag. Peter Hrastnik
tele.ring Telekom Service GmbH
A-1030 Wien, Hainburgerstr. 33
Tel.: +43/1/931012/3277, Mobil: +43/650/6503277

Eduard Witteveen wrote:
> Hello,
> I try to run SOAP (from apache) on my system, but everytime the SOAP part get's 
>executed, the server crashes.
> This happens after i put xerces and soap on my system. I created a symlink to both 
>of them from withing the lib directory:
> lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           32 Apr 25 18:31 soap.jar -> 
> lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           34 Apr 25 18:30 xerces.jar -> 
> (and i run it as root, so cant be rights thingie)
> And i also added the following lines to the conf/server.xml
>         <Context path="/soap"
>                  docBase="/usr/local/soap-2_1/webapps/soap"
>                  debug="1"
>                  reloadable="true" >
>         </Context>
> I start tomcat:
> Guessing TOMCAT_HOME from to ./..
> Setting TOMCAT_HOME to ./..
> Using classpath: 
> I go to: http://localhost:8080/soap/admin/index.html and as soon as i click on list, 
>tomcat is crashing with the following lines:
> # HotSpot Virtual Machine Error, Unexpected Signal 11
> # Please report this error at
> #
> #
> # Error ID: 4F533F4C494E55580E43505005BC
> #
> # Problematic Thread: prio=1 tid=0x81fa5c0 nid=0xa94 runnable
> #
> How can i solve this problem(i already tried an absolute path, and putting 
>xerces.jar at first in the classpath)
> --
> Eduard Witteveen        Systeemontwikkelaar NOS Internet
> Mediacentrum Kamer 203, tel. +31(0)35 6773059
> Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes? : The sixth Satire from Juvenal

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