In response to Bill Kaufman's suggestion here is the output from his code

Request object: class=class PopBean, loader=AdaptiveClassLoader( )
PopBean object: class=class PopBean, loader=AdaptiveClassLoader( )
Myself:         class=class sla._0002fsla_0002ftest_0002ejsptest_jsp_9, 
loader=JspLoader( /usr/local/tomcat/work/localhost_8080 ) / 
AdaptiveClassLoader( )

Also, I'm trying to remember everyone's questions.  I am using forward and
not sendRedirect.  I tried using the session to pass this rather than the
request with the same results.  I do have the correct import statement
because I can instantiate PopBean objects in the jsp just fine.

Hmmm.  Just when I think I know everything...


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