i have found some  error,
when you have massive Load on your Server, I get an Error like this:

java.net.SocketException: Datenübergabe unterbrochen (broken pipe):
Datenübergabe unterbrochen (broken pipe)
        at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead(Native Method)
        at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:86)



        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)

now i have changed back to the ajp12 Protocol and these error will never be
thrown (it will never been shown at least).
Is there an Error in the ajp13 Protocol and some workaround ?

But the main Question is unresolved, why rise the Mem usage up, and would
never becomes free again ?
I had forgotten some important thing, my Java is JDK1.3 sun.

Greetings and thanks for waste your time,

Wolle wrote:

> Hello,
> My Servlet Enviroment is : Tomcat3.2.2b2 , Apache 1.3.17-10,mod_ssl
> 2.7.1-0, SUSE 7.1, ajp13 with mod_jk.
> When i ran my Servlets, the Memusage will grow up, thats normal ;-))
> But when you make massiv Client request, the memusage rise extremly.
> The shell brings Messages from "Broken pipe", when  I start a new
> request, bevor the old one is answered.I have a Load from 70% of 98 MB
> Ram.
> when i wait, the Mem will never becomes free.
> What does TOmcat, when a exception is thrown ? Don't give it all the
> resources free ? What becomes with a Servlet Instanz, when the doPost or
> doGet Methode is done ? Stay it in the Mem ? Must I call the destroy()
> Methode to do this ? How could I avoid these heavy and resistent mem
> load ? I will have a sercure site, and when it hangs Up the system with
> simple massivs request, it will be not so good. ;-)
> Is this right, or have I misunderstood some things with the Servlet
> implementation.
> I hope someone  knows a reslution for this,
> Please please help,
> thank you for inconvenience,
> Michael Wollenhaupt

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