"Charles Williams (CEO)" wrote:

> > 1. Download the zip/tar.gz/whatever file from
> > http://jakarta.apache.org/downloads/binindex.html.
> > 2. Unzip the file into some directory (say foo). This should create a new
> > subdirectory named "tomcat".
> > 3. Change directory to "tomcat" and set a new environment variable
> > (TOMCAT_HOME) to point to the root directory of your Tomcat hierarchy.
> > On UNIX you should type:
> > for bash/sh "TOMCAT_HOME=foo/tomcat ; export TOMCAT_HOME"
> > for tcsh "setenv TOMCAT_HOME foo/tomcat"
> >
> > ***********    Good till here *****************
> > ** Here is where I'm lost  ***
> > 4. ? - Set the environment variable JAVA_HOME to point to the root
> directory
> > of your JDK hierarchy, then add the Java interpreter to your PATH
> > environment variable.
> So I take it noone knows how to install tomcat?
> chuck

Sure, but what is your question. It's asking you in step 4 to
set some environment variables, which you just did in step 3.

JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java; export JAVA_HOME  

or something it depends on where you put java, which I don't believe you
told us.

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