Steve Brunton typed the following on 04:46 PM 5/1/2001 -0400
>  Running Tomcat 3.3M2 with Apache 1.3.19 using and the apj13
>setup on a HP LPR with 2 500 Mhz PIII's and Solaris 8 x86 with all the
>latest and greatest patches on it (Tomcat/Apache/ built
>natively on the box) I get around 4.93 requests per second with 10
>concurrent connections making around 1000 requests. The apache processes
>don't get all that busy and neither does the Java process, but the box
>is sitting at 40% IOWait as it chugs along.
>  Over on a Sun Ultra 60 (2x360 Mhz CPU's) running Solaris 2.6 with the
>iPlanet 4.1SP6 webserver I can process about 34 requests per second with
>the same servlet and request metrics. 

>  Is the 3.3 path the wrong one to take? should I be working with the
>3.2 stuff? 

It sounds like you tested Tomcat on an HP, and Tomcat on an x86 with 
Solaris 8, vs. iPlanet on an Ultra running Solaris 2.6. You are then guessing
that the difference in performance is entirely due to the servlet engine?

Have you tried testing Tomcat vs. iPlanet on *identical* hardware/OS 


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