i had the the error with Tomcat 3.2.2b2 and I've started the VM with -verbose:gc,
so it shows me if the Garbage Collector will work.
his Work was Ok, but doesn't release the memory.
I have change ther Version of TC to 3.2.2b3 and the memory rising has stopped, and he gives memory back after using !
So try the TC3.2.2b3 or b4


Garry De Toffoli wrote:

Hi to all,     I have in trouble with the memory usage with Tomcat 3.21, on WinNt 2000 and Jdk 1.3 of Sun.     the problem is that any operation does not release the memory occuped;     to control the memory usage I use the Task Manager;     when Tomcat start, the memory used from the process Java is of 9608 K;     when I request a Jsp page that has an error, like a variable not declared, the memory used is 11868K; if I wait for 1 ay also, this value does not change, so the memory used is not released,     running a correct Jsp page, the memory used increase, and this is not released yet;    I have written a log on the finalize method of my class, and this is called, so the garbage collector release all my object.     This behavoir is normal? Probably changing the version of Tomcat this problem may be corrected.     What do you think about this?     Thank you. 

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