Hi Willis and others installing tomcat and IIS

You will need to configure IIS and install a filter
that will forward requests to Tomcat.
I don't remember the exact steps.The how to docs in
Tomcat/docs directory provide detailed explanations on
the same.
Basically you will need to visit the tomcat download
page, move into the win32/ directory and download
files from there, you will end up using only one of
the dlls included here. Extract the dll (from it's zip
format) and copy it to a directory .. you will get
more information from the docs.
You will need to create a vitual directory in the
site(s) you have created in your IIS. 
At the end. You should be able to run your .asp and
.htm[l] files with IIS handling those and your
servlets and .jsp files being handled by Tomcat. You
can even access servlets in the contexts you've

Allan Kamau.

--- Keith Willis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to run Tomcat and IIS together.
> I would like to put ASP and JSP files in the same
> directory.
> I tried changing the directory in IIS to point to
> the Root directory of 
> Tomcat, but it would not run the JSP in that folder
> then.
> Is there a way to do this? (Basically I want all my
> files in the same set of 
> directories rather than ASP in one set and JSP in
> another)
> Thanks,
> Keith
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