is it really necessary to recompile the just so that Tomcat will
run fine with Apache?
I have Apache web server and jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1 running on  red hat linux
I am running tomcat using the script (I guess this means it's

I get an error while accessing a servlet in my defined context path but the
example was working well. 
Error is: 
HANDLER THREAD PROBLEM: Stream broken Stream broken at
org.apache.tomcat.service.connector.AJP12RequestAdapter.readNextRequest(Ajp1 at
( at at

Any ideas? TIA.

"A chain is only as strong as its weakest link."
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Noel E. Lecaros [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 6:02 PM
> Subject:      Re: wired CLASSPATH behaviour
> Hi, Roman
> Just a thought, but have you tried RENAMING the file to
> db2java.jar?
> Regards,
> Noel Lecaros
> "Gerteis, Roman" wrote:
> > 
> > Hay there,
> > 
> > when I was deploying a application on Tomcat 3.2.1 we had some really
> wired
> > Problems with CLASSPATH issues.
> > 
> > First of all this is the environment:
> > * apache 1.3.14
> > *
> > * tomcat 3.2.1
> > on Redhat 6.2
> > JVM 1.3 (Sun distribution)
> > 
> > ok. So we were putting JDBC Drivers of IBM ( on various
> places
> > where we should be able to put them.
> > 
> > 1. we put it into the $TOMCAT_HOME/lib/ to be include for whole tomcat.
> (did
> > not work)
> > 2. we put it into the CLASSPATH environment inside the
> > $TOMCAT_HOME/ script (did not work)
> > 3. we put it into $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/our_app/WEB-INF/lib/ (did not
> work)
> > 4. we unpacked the zip file and put the package tree under
> > $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/our_app/WEB-INF/classes/ --> YUHEE, it worked.
> > 
> > the depressing part of it was, that and the _right_ Path to
> it
> > was shown in the CLASSPATH variable on every of the setups
> > (System.out.println, or shellscript ECHO). But the JDBC Driver Manager
> > dumped no suitable driver found.
> > 
> > It took me quite a lot of time to make the application run, cause there
> was
> > no reason for the failure (If you have a package in your classpath, then
> you
> > would suggest that it is loaded, right?).
> > 
> > Anyways. The whole adventure brings me to the conclusion that either the
> > CLASSPATH environment of Sun JDK 1.3 for Linux is not working properly
> or ..
> > the dynamic loading of packages of TomCat is not fully reliable (which I
> > honestly do not believe).
> > 
> > Does anyone had similar Problems, and can someone give me a tip for
> where to
> > put JDBC Driver packages inside a Webapp? (WEB-INF/lib/ I thought,
> but....)
> > 
> > thx. and regards
> > roman

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