That was a really good question, and not knowing the answer,  I copied my
server.xml file, renamed one of the copies, and started tomcat. Added new
contexts, shut down tomcat, and compared the two files. Apparently the
answer* to your question is "yes, you will have to manually code new contexts
into your server.xml file if you want them (contexts, that is) to persist
between start/stops of tomcat."

* == This answer derived on a Win98 box running Tomcat 3.2.1. YMMV.

So my follow-up question is: does anyone know if this is the intended
functionality of the contextAdmin tool? And beyond that: where can I find
more information about requested, recommended, planned, and existing Tomcat
administration tools/servlets. Anyone? Anyone?

Here's another question regarding the contextAdmin application that comes
with Tomcat.

Is it possible to save the new context created to server.xml in any way so
that it will exists when I restart tomcat, or do I have to write this code

// Erik

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