
If you get it working, I would be interested. I have been fighting it. I can
get tomcat to work but not the redirect form IIS.


-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Willis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 2:53 PM
To: tomcat-user
Subject: Re: Tomcat/IIS 5.0 & ISAPI REDIRECTOR


I have been fighting this also.  I have not been able to solve it either.  I
put the following in my server.xml file...

         <Context path="/"
                  reloadable="true" >

I am using the assumption that if you put "/" it refers to the
http://localhost URL.  In the examples in the server.xml file, it was using
relative paths...  Is there a problem if I put in an absolute path?

It will bring up the jsp file when I type http://localhost/HelloWorld.jsp
but it will not execute the server side script.

I would appreciate any help with this.

Thanks in advance,


----Original Message Follows----
From: Mike Spisak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Tomcat/IIS 5.0 & ISAPI REDIRECTOR
Date: Wed, 09 May 2001 23:58:27 -0400


I believe if you are not using the default directory setup
(<tomcat_home>/webapps/ROOT, etc.) then you must define the context in the
server.xml file (located in the conf directory) Like so:

         <Context path="/<your URL path>"
                  docBase="<Your Path (inetPub)>"
                  reloadable="true" >

Hope this helps..


|  m i k e  |

At 01:38 PM 5/10/2001 +1000, you wrote:
>I have a problem with getting my own jsp's located under
>to work.
>I have managed to get IIS 5.0 to serve the JSP examples.
>I have added a context to :
>for my own files which are sitting under the Jakarta
>directory and this works fine.
>How can I get JSP files located under c:/inetpub/wwwroot/ to work ?
>I suspect I may have to add another context , but adding:
>to the uriworkermap.properties file does not work.
>Can anyone help ?
>Many thanks

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