On Mon, 14 May 2001 17:16:24 -0400, "Kevin Fonner"
>I want to grab just the first record in a Query of my database.  I
thought that this would be pretty simple???
>Acording to my books they said that after executing...
resultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("select * from table where
rs.next()  // this outta do it for ya, each rs.next() advances the
cursor one row.
dFolder = rs.getString(1);  // avoid using column names

>resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM userfolders WHERE
username=\'" + userName + "\'");
>That resultset would contain the first record.  But I can't seem to
grab the data. Below is a sample of my code that I think pertains to my
problem.  If anybody has any ideas I would appreciate them
>resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM userfolders WHERE
username=\'" + userName + "\'");
>   dFolder = resultSet.getString("folder");
>   dModule = resultSet.getString("dmod");
>   dModulePath = resultSet.getString("dmod_path");

Richard Draucker
Remote Data Support For Web Developers

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