neyyadupakkam sundarasekaran wrote:
>         I downloaded and unziped it to my C: drive.
> I set TOMCAT_HOME, JAVA_HOME, PATH in autoexec.bat file. I re-booted the
> PC/windows 2000 

I think unzipping the .zip file wouldn't do anything with Windows
registry; rebooting the system is an overkill.

>and tried to run bin\startup.bat. It opens a new window and
> closes immediately without any error messages. But, when I tried to run
> bin\shutdown.bat, it throws classNotFound exection in main thread.

Try to run catalina.bat.
catalina run
This will have the DOS window staying up, so you will be able to shut
Tomcat down using ctrl-c.

>         Could you please tell me if my installtion is right and what is the
> problem I getting with shutdown? Also, when I run startup repeatedly, I used
> to get a message saying "Tomcat is already running". 

Installing Tomcat would need extracting the .zip file and run one of the
startup scripts; that's it. Basically, it runs perfectly out of the box
(well, you'd need JAVA_HOME set up, I guess).

>But, now I am not
> getting any message.

What messages are you expecting?


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